Administrator can click on the Salary Deduction under the Administration section. This page is for the Administrator to add/edit/activate/inactivate available salary deduction type as shown below.
Under the Search Criteria section, you can filter the list of deduction types by Deduction and Status (all box in red as shown in the image below), click on the Search button (box in black as shown in the image below) to retrieve records that matched the search criteria.
The table (box in green as shown in the image below) shows all the relevant records.
To add a new deduction type, you can click on the Add button (box in red as shown in the image above), you will be redirected to the Add Master Deduction page as shown in the image below. You can also edit the deduction type by clicking on the deduction name hyperlink (box in purple as shown in the image above) in the Deduction Name Column.
You can fill in the following fields: Deduction, Unit Price/Formula, External Account, Status, CPF and SDL (all box in red as shown in the image below). Please take note on the rules on writing the formula as shown in the Note for Formula Field section (box in green as shown in the image above). Click on the Save button (box in black as shown in the image above) to save the new deduction type. You can click on the Cancel button (box in orange as shown in the image above) to undo the creation of the deduction type.
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