User is required to do some setup before using the Payroll module. Followings are the steps of the required setup:
- Please ensure to setup Basic Salary, Type of Contribution and if the employee is a CPF Contributor from the Payroll application under the Basic Salary at the Administration section.
- Setup the Salary Earning Type (Please refer to Salary Earning under Administration)
- Setup the Salary Deduction Type (Please refer to Salary Deduction under Administration)
- Setup the SDL (Skill Development Levy) (Please refer to SDL under Administration)
- Setup the CDAC (Chinese Development Assistance Council) (Please refer to CDAC under Administration)
- Setup the MBMF (Mosque Building and Mendaki Fund) (Please refer to MBMF under Administration)
- Setup the SINDA (Singapore Indian Development Association) (Please refer to SINDA menu under Administration)
- Setup the ECF (Eurasian Contribution Fund) (Please refer to EFC under Administration)
User can only apply and submit Payroll request after the above setup has been completely done. Please also take note for the following setup under Setting menu:
- Employee master list must be setup in the Employee menu under Setting
- The roles of each employee must also be setup in the User Group menu under User Access section in the Setting page
- The functional group of each employee must also be setup in the Func. Group under User Access section in the Setting page.
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