Administrator or HR Admin can click on the Employee under the Employee section, the following page will appear. This page is for Administrator/HR Admin to add/edit/activate/deactivate employees' detail records in EWS system.
Under the Search Criteria section, you can filter the employee records by Employee No, Department, First/ Last Name, Logon Name, Email Address, Job Title, Report Manager, Status and Employment Type (all box in red as shown in the image below), click on the Search button (box in black as shown in the image below) to retrieve records that matched the criteria.
The table (box in green as shown in the image below) retrieve all the relevant records.
You can choose to view the Organizational Structure in Org Chart by clicking on the Org Chart View button (box in yellow as shown in the image above) and the following page will be shown.
You can click on the Expand All button (box in red as shown in the image above) to expand the chart and the button will change to Collapse All to collapse the chart.
Add a new Employee Record
To add a new employee record, you can click on the Add New button (box in red as shown in the image previously) and you will be redirected to the following page.
You need to fill in details that are marked as mandatory (*), noted that the Employee Number, NRIC/ Local Identity No cannot have duplications in the list of employees. Click on the Save button (box in red as shown in the image above) to save the new employee record. Click on the Clear button (box in orange as shown in the image above) to clear the form. Click on Cancel button (box in black as shown in the image above) to abort the change and return to the previous page.
On the page, there are TAB pages as shown below:
The TAB pages above do not contain compulsory fields that need to be filled in, you will only be allowed to edit those details after you have created the employee record.
Editing Employee Record
You can click on the employee number hyperlink(box in purple as shown in the image previously) under the Emp No. column to view the employee details and make necessary changes to the selected employee.
Activating/Deactivating Employee Record
You are also allowed to activate/deactivate an employee by ticking the checkbox (box in blue as shown in the image previous) at the left-hand side of the list and click the Activate or Deactivate button (box in turquoise and grey respectively as shown in the image previously). This button will change the status of the employee accordingly.
Retiring Employee
You can also change the employee status to "Retired" by clicking on the Retired button (box in pink as shown in the image previously) when the employee has decided to retire from his/her position.
Uploading Employee
You can upload a list of employees in the excel file (.xlsx) into the system. This method is more recommended if the number of employees to be added or edited is a lot. By clicking the Upload button (box in black as shown in the image previously), the following page will appear.
You must browse the excel file that you want to upload and click the Upload button (box in red as shown in the image above). You will see the records appear in the table (box in pink as shown in the image above). Click on the Upload button (box in orange as shown in the image above) at the bottom of the page to proceed with the upload of employee records. You can also click on the Cancel button (box in yellow as shown in the image above) to abort the change and go back to the previous page.
- The upload condition is described on the page. Please read the upload condition carefully before uploading any employee data.
- You can download the excel template for uploading the employee list by clicking on the EmployeeTemplate.xlsx hyperlink (box in black as shown in the image above). Upon clicking the hyperlink, the excel file will be downloaded to your PC.
- The Excel Settings button (box in green as shown in the image above) is for you to set the position of each field of the employee list. It is also to set the position of where the system should start reading the employee data (Example: From Row 2 Column 1 - this is because Row 1 is a header name).
- The result of the upload (successful/failed) will be displayed on the grid view and the system will prompt which rows/lines have errors if the upload fails.
- Please ensure that all date format in excel file must be written: dd/MM/yyyy
There are a few setting checkboxes as follow:
- Insert New Employee Record. If ticked, the system will insert the new employee records when the system detects an employee that exists in the excel file but does not exist in the EWS database.
- Update Information for Existing Employee. If ticked, the system will update the existing employee record in the database if the system detects any information that is different from the information in the excel file.
- Blank Field in Excel will NOT Overwrite Existing Employee Information. If ticked, the system will not update the existing employee record in the EWS database with any empty fields found in the employee excel file.
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